The teaching of philosophy in basic education: possibilities of resistance
: This article addresses the situation of teaching philosophy in the historical context of Brazilian education. Through a bibliographical and documentary research, it is proposes to reflectively investigate the conditions that the teaching of philosophy has to (a) assert itself as a condition for the promotion of autonomous thinking in basic education, within the space reserved for it in the current Brazilian educational context , marked by neoliberal reforms, aimed at market interests. Based on the concept of philosophy as the creation of concepts, its main function in the classroom, among others, is to present itself as an environment free from the external demands established by official educational programs, in which students are able to develop autonomous thinking and build their subjectivity in a detached way. This assignment requires certain requirements such as the presence of philosophy as a discipline, teachers specialized in the area, and free time of sufficient quality to exercise autonomous thinking, which are mostly absent in the teaching model that is being implemented. In the current scenario, marked by reforms guided by neoliberal trends that submit education to the interests of the economy, the space for philosophy in basic education is reduced and threatened. Such changes reinforce the dualism present in Brazilian education, which assigns a general education to the privileged class and another of a labor nature to the female worker, preventing the implementation of an integral human education for all, in which philosophy plays a fundamental role. Finally, it is understood that, despite the unfavorable scenario, it remains for philosophy to create forms of resistance, inside and outside the school, in order to be able to assert itself.
Keywords: Teaching. Philosophy. Secondary Education Reform.
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