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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Conjectura Journal of Philosophy and Education primarily publishes articles that have not been previously published in the following languages: Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, English, German and French. Manuscripts submitted must concern ideas closely related to the core problems of Philosophy, Education, and interdisciplinary questions which are aimed to clarify the relation between pedagogical practices and philosophical problems. Conjectura also publishes original documents, interviews, book reviews, critical debates, and translations. Regarding translations, the authors must attach to their submission the permission granted by the copyright holder. Our Editorial Board will evaluate the adequacy of texts, articles, book reviews, critical debates, etc. concerning the Journal’s editorial scope. Then, the approved submissions at this stage will be evaluated by reviewers, members of our scientific commission, or even ad hoc specialists. The identity of the manuscript's author is never revealed to reviewers, nor is it the identity of them ever revealed to the author. The article manuscript must result from academic research and should discuss the work of classical philosophers and education scientists. The article structure must contain Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Arguments Development, Conclusion, and Bibliography. There is a setup minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 15 pages. Our Editorial Board may approve more extensive texts but this needs special consideration. Book reviews must concern books scientifically relevant that have been published in the last 5 years and be limited to 5-page length.


The manuscripts must be sent through digital submission by DJES (Digital Journal Editing System) at the link: If the manuscript follows the submission guidelines is the sole responsibility of the authors. There is a maximum number of authorship limited to up to 3 authors and among them, one must have a Ph.D. degree. The manuscripts which do not follow the submission guidelines will be automatically archived.


Rules for submission [ABNT - Brazilian Association of Technical Rules]

TITLE (centered, caps lock, and bold); ABSTRACT (between 250 and 350 words) and KEYWORDS (up to 5 words which must be separated by dots); TÍTULO, RESUMO and PALAVRAS-CHAVE (Portuguese version of Title, Abstract, and Keywords) or RÉSUMÉ and MOTS-CLÉS (French), or RESUMEN and PALABRAS-LLAVE (Spanish); BIBLIOGRAPHY (only works quoted in the article). In any language, abstracts and keywords must be typed with Times New Roman, font size 10, and space 1.0.

Manuscripts must be typed in layout A4 (8,27 x 11,7”), space 1.5, 1,18” superior and left-margin and 0,98” inferior and right-margin. The text must be typed in Times New Roman, font size 16 for the title, 12 for the text, and 10 for quotations apart from the text, footnotes, and tables, and figures’ subtitles.

The manuscript’s title must be bold-typed and centered at the beginning of the page. Do not use abbreviations of any kind.

The abstract and its respective translation for any foreign language must contain between 250 and 350 words with information that allows a proper characterization of the text’s main points. Concerning article submissions, the abstract must inform the main objective, the method utilized, the outlines, and the conclusions. There is a maximum setup of 5 keywords that must be presented just below the abstract. Keywords must correspond to the concepts generally employed in the text. The bibliographical quotations must follow the author-date criterion. For example, Soares (2004, p. 123) and (SOARES, 2004, p. 456); Soares e Feijó (2000, p. 765), (SOARES; FEIJÓ, 2000, p. 321). If there happen to be more quotation authors than 4, the manuscript's author must quote only the first and “et al”. For instance, Feijó et al. (2004, p. 65), (FEIJÓ et al., 2000, p. 8).

In the case of classical philosophers and education scientists’ quotations whose works are also referenced according to the numerical system of academic paragraphs, the author can choose to quote the works following this specific criterion despite the author-date criteria. For example: “all the things that are possible for us to know are related to each other” (DESCARTES, AT VI, 19) or Descartes (AT VI, 19).

Direct quotations with more than 3 lines must be separated from the text by a 1,57” indent for a paragraph on the left-margin, font size 10, space 1.0, no marks (ABNT: NBR 10520). The bibliography must be ordered through alphabetical order regarding the author’s last name (ABNT: NBR 6023), according to the following rule: AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, and then Author’s first name (with the exception to those of Spanish origin and double names authors, which must be presented only in their 2 last names) All authors must be referenced. Bibliographical references quotations from works without authorship must be referenced regarding the title of the text (book or journal article) or the institution that has published the text. Bibliographical references must be left-aligned and the first type of the first word of the second line must be below-aligned with the first type on the first line.

Below you can find some examples of how to ordinate the bibliography:


Journal Articles:

FABIAN, E. P. A relação entre método e política em Hegel a partir de A Sociedade Aberta e seus Inimigos de Karl Popper. In: Revista de Ciências Humanas, Frederico Westphalen, v. 7, n. 8, p. 157-174, Jun. 2006.



ARISTÓTELES. Metafísica. Tradução de Leonel Vallandro. Porto Alegre: Globo, 1969.


Book Chapters:

NICOLAU, M. F. A. O movimento dialético na introdução ao sistema da ciência – O prefácio a Fenomenologia do Espírito. In: CHAGAS, E. F.; UTZ, K.; OLIVEIRA, J. W. J. (Org.). Comemoração aos 200 anos da “Fenomenologia do Espírito” de Hegel. Fortaleza: Edições UFC, 2007, 127-144.


Theses (doctorate) or dissertations (master’s):

BAFFA, Manoella. A Forma da Metafísica: sobre a história na obra tardia de Heidegger. Tese de Doutorado. Rio de Janeiro, PUC, Departamento de Filosofia, 2005.


Articles presented at congresses, meetings, and seminars:

SANTOS, Fernando Santiago dos. Os jesuítas, as ervas medicinais e os índios brasileiros: estudo preliminar da Triaga Brasílica (séc. XVIII). II Encontro de Filosofia e História da Biologia. Anais... São Paulo: Ed. Mackenzie, 2004, p.19.


Tables and Illustrations:

Tables and illustrations (graphs, photographs, drawings) must be presented on the article’s last pages, one by page.

The articles will have the following revisions before publication: (i) technical review by an ad hoc consultant; (ii) review of Portuguese and English by professional reviewers; (iii) final review by the Editorial Committee; (iv) final review by the editor before text publication.

OBS: All texts will be submitted to the Editorial Board’s opinion in the form of double anonymity. It may suggest to the selected texts’ authors changes in structure or content.



1. References/Bibliography (authors must follow the ABNT standards)

It is required to write the complete bibliographic reference of the work reviewed in accordance with ABNT? standards; it is recommended to place here only the reference from the work reviewed;

2. Presentation of the author/authors of the work reviewed

An author could be presented through a comment or report about the main facts related to his life and work: place and context of his/her birth, his/her academic background, people who had a theoretical influence on his/her work, facts that would have marked his/her life and, consequently, his/her way of thinking, etc.

3. Theoretical perspective of the work

It is necessary to indicate the perspective or tradition or academic school in which the author/authors of the work reviewed belongs to, since this allows one to understand the way in which it is organized, as well as the logic used in the argumentation process developed in that;

4. A brief summary of the work

Before actually starting the study of the work, it is suggested to present a panoramic view of it, as this can help a reader to visualize the beginning, the middle, and the end of the work, allowing his/her to know the author’s/authors’ starting and arrival points in his/her argumentation;

5. Main theses developed in the work

After this brief summary, it is necessary to analyze and interpret the content of the work itself, presenting and commenting on the author’s main theses, and not just summarize his/her work.

6. Critical reflections on the work and its implications

Finally, it is suggested that the reviewer make a few personal comments, which should be academically/theoretically grounded.



Articles must focus on philosophical or educational problems. They must discuss the contribution of some philosopher, pedagogue, or theory to the solution of relevant questions of these areas. They can also be experience reports, case studies, action research, or surveys. However, it should be noted that bibliographic review articles will not be published in the Journal.





Reviews of recent works will be published, especially from the areas of Education and Philosophy, with an extension between 3 and 5 pages. Manuscripts must be submitted in word or compatible document, without identification of authorship, and following the ABNT standards.



Translations of classic texts from Philosophy and Education will be published after evaluation by the Editorial Board.



Submissions are accepted according to the theme indicated for each dossier.







Organizadoras: Rochele Rita Andreazza Maciel (Universidade de Caxias do Sul) e Claudia Panizzolo (Universidade Federal de São Paulo)

O estudo da infância tem sido marcado por variadas concepções e representações acerca do conceito de criança, que ao longo dos séculos foram sendo modificadas de acordo com fatores econômicos, sociais, culturais, demográficos etc. Atualmente as concepções buscam considerar a infância e a criança em suas especificidades, como sujeito social ativo que interpreta e age no mundo. 

O processo de compreensão dessas atuais concepções de criança e infância assenta-se na ação reflexiva e interpretativa assumida como um exercício teórico-metodológico que visa desvelar o protagonismo infantil, corroborando assim, para o avanço epistemológico do paradigma social da infância na contemporaneidade, através de novas imagens de criança que emergem na atual ordem socia. Neste sentido, é na infância que a criança possui múltiplas formas de se expressar e todas devem ser validadas, ressaltadas e respeitadas. Larrosa (2004, p. 25-26) afirma que a infância continua sendo um período importante para o desenvolvimento, no qual acontecerão as melhores e mais variadas experiências de vida.  Aliás, podemos dizer que é nesse período que as experiências mais prazerosas e enriquecedoras acontecem e que agregam novos conhecimentos sobre o mundo. 

O presente Dossiê pretende divulgar conhecimentos acerca da(s) infância(s), a partir de dois temas centrais, a educação e a saúde na infância, vinculados ao II Congresso Internacional Educar na(s) infância(s). Esses temas pressupõem diálogos intensos e contínuos, visando a produção de conhecimentos diante do cenário em que se encontra a educação das crianças pequenas. 

Prazos e datas planejados

Envio dos convites e recebimentos de aceites: Até 10 de novembro de 2022.

Recebimento dos textos: Até 28 de junho de 2023.

Devolução e correções: Até 28 de julho de 2023.

Publicação: Até dezembro de 2023.

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