
  • Lucas Borella UCS
  • Margareth Borella UCS
  • Rafael de Lucena Perini UCS
  • Leandro Luis Corso UCS


Case Study: Motivations to Play MMORPGs; Final Fantasy XIV; Competitive Advantage; Critical Success Factors.


The purpose of this work is to identify the main factors that lead to the success of an electronic game, aiming to understand the primary motivations of consumers of this type of product. To achieve the proposed objective, an exploratory case study of the electronic game Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn is developed, which has received numerous awards and is one of the leading references in the field of MMORPGs. The study begins with a literature review to identify the key factors that motivate these consumers to play and continue in a particular game. These studies were used as a basis for generating a qualitative interview guide, divided into the five fields of competition proposed by José Celso Contador (1995). This author presents five fields in which a company can compete: price, product, deadline, service, and image, with each field presenting the main critical success factors to be explored for its achievement. Subsequently, this instrument was sent to digital influencers and players, both in Brazil and abroad, to gather their opinions and infer which of the factors presented can generate a competitive advantage. Based on the results, it was possible to verify that the main fields of competition where FFXIV stands out are price, product, and service. "Story," "community feedback responsiveness," "pay-to-play," "fair microtransactions," "internal balancing," and "accessible to all computers" were the main identified critical success factors.


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Como Citar

Borella, L., Borella, M., de Lucena Perini, R., & Luis Corso, L. (2025). VANTAGEM COMPETITIVA EM JOGOS ELETRÔNICOS DO GÊNERO MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games): UM ESTUDO DE CASO EM FINAL FANTASY XIV – A REALM REBORN. Revista Brasileira De Gestão E Inovação (Brazilian Journal of Management and Innovation), 12(1). Recuperado de

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