Knowledge Systems:
From Latin America to the World
knowledge systems movement, Comunidad Ibero-Americana de Sistemas de Conocimiento, triadic KM model, capital systems, knowledge-based development, Center for Knowledge Systems, World Capital InstituteAbstract
The origins, development, and prospects of the Knowledge Systems Movement (KSM) in Ibero-America and its international impact are overviewed. KSM consists of a) a knowledge management (KM), and knowledge-based development (KBD) approach; b) a professional network at the Ibero-American region; and c) a global theoretical and applied domain. The institutional base, theoretical foundations and global impacts are described, followed by an empirical exercise in capturing the Ibero-American legacy.
KSM originated at the Center for Knowledge Systems (CKS). From CKS networking emerged Comunidad Iberoamericana de Sistemas de Conocimiento -CISC. Globally, the World Capital Institute became the platform for capital systems applications. Each of these organizations is described. While the extensive references, all published by authors and editors from this movement, testify to its vitality, this paper does not aim at compiling all KSM-generated publications. Documentary evidence on the institutional, theoretical, and applied KSM bases are provided. The institutional base section documents the international network of public and private organizations that from the beginning and through this date constitute the formal backbone. The theoretical base section provides an overview of key conceptual elements configuring a shared KSM perspective. The applied base recounts consulting experiences with governments, and public and private companies, steaming from the former approach.
In the second part, a survey of senior KSM members impact throughout the Ibero-American region and documentary assessment of CISC historical performance is conducted. To sum up, the purpose of the paper is to document the KSM movement and its international impacts to this day. For that purpose, a reference compilation, a survey and a documentary analysis have been performed. Results highlight KSM contribution to research, education, consultancy and international collaboration in the region, as well as its global impact. E-Learning practice is supported specifically through the education programs referred through the survey and documentary analysis.
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