
  • Anita Martins
  • Pedro Abreu Paiva


Artificial Intelligence


The Artificial Intelligence (AI) timeline begins in 1950 and, since then, the advances in this technology and the understanding of its impact on society are remarkable. Considering their applications, chatbot, defined as algorithms that interacts with people using natural language, is one of the biggest current trends. Therefore, this study aimed to follow up and analyze the Lz´s implementation challenges and its evolutions. Lz is responsible for responding maintenance and support requests from the Information Technology (IT) area of ​​a large rental car company’s service sector employees. The methodology applied on the research was the single case study. The data were obtained from internal sources, in addition to the application of Lean Inception and the structuring of the Chatbot Design Canvas. It was concluded that it is necessary to form hybrid teams for these types of implementations, combining knowledge from many company areas and gaining a deeper understanding of user needs. Another relevant aspect is the synergy between people and technology, which is why AI enhances human abilities, as opposed to replacing.


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How to Cite

Martins, A., & Abreu Paiva, P. (2025). ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN COMPANIES: CASE STUDY OF CHATBOT LZ. Brazilian Journal of Management and Innovation (Revista Brasileira De Gestão E Inovação), 12(1). Retrieved from



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