Unethical Behavior in Traffic
traffic, pedestrians, drivers, physchology, ethicsAbstract
Traffic Psychology is a new field on Brazil and only in the last years psychologists engaged on broad discussions regarding how health public policies, education, and safety affect people's mobility. According to the Traffic State Departament of Rio Grande do Sul, in 2016 alone occurred 4.086 traffic infractions in which drivers cut off pedestrians at crosswalks, although it was not conducted any evaluation crosschecking social class and vehicle type. Assuming that vehicles are reliable indicators of a person's social rank and wealth, this study aimed to observe drivers in Bento Gonçalves in order to correlate social class and their reactions towards pedestrians waiting to cross the street. Results show that only 84 of 380 drivers (22%) did not cut off pedestrians. It was not possible to establish a correlation between social class and respect to the law since all groups showed a high rate of misbehavior. We suggest new studies on other areas of the city and neighborhoods to reinforce our data
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