Libertarianism in Power: an analysis of the possible impact of libertarian thought on public management in Caxias do Sul
liberalism, libertarianism, public management, Caxias do SulAbstract
There are several political ideologies present in Political Science, but not all of them are consistent with the practice of public management. One of these ideologies, present in utopian form is libertarianism, which as a side of liberalism refers to an approximation with reality. In this respect the philosopher Ayn Rand made practical the libertarian propositions, attracting to them a formulation as much as the necessity of public policies under the aegis of this political thought. This article brings with it an analogy of how public policies could be created using as basis the structure of libertarianism proposed by Rand, using for that purpose the policies already applied in Brazil and ideas of policies applied in other countries, through bibliographical and documentary research culminating in the possibility of introducing part of the libertarian thought as public policies of government.
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