Evaluation of the effects of environmental enrichment techniques for tayras (Eira barbara Linnaeus, 1758) kept in captive conditions
Environmental enrichment. Behavior. Stereotypy. Well be animal.Abstract
Under captive conditions, there are innumerable factors that disadvantage the animal and favor the development of stereotyped behaviors. Therefore, it is necessary to try to satisfy in the best way possible the basic needs of the animals, adopting alternatives for the improvement of their well-being. In this work we developed techniques of environmental enrichment for individuals of tayras (Eira barbara) under captive conditions. The objective was to evaluate whether the application of environmental enrichment techniques would provide benefits and improve the well-being of the animals. The data were collected at Projeto Lontra, located in Florianópolis/SC, and obtained by means of frequency records of two behaviors and analysis of the activity pattern, related to how the animal distributed its time before, during, and after the performance of the enrichment techniques. We carried out 51 h of observation, 25.5 h for each individual. As a result, similar differences were observed in relation to the frequency of stereotyped behaviors in situations before, during, and after enrichment. Nevertheless, it was possible to observe an increase in the frequency of behaviors considered closer to those the animals exhibit in nature, through exposure to enrichment, showing the importance of environmental enrichment for the Eira barbara species.
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