Book of abstracts of the CARVI Integrated Academic Week (2017)


  • Cláudia Pinto Machado Universidade de Caxias do Sul


With the theme "Are you prepared for the impacts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution?", the CARVI Integrated Academic Week aimed to promote the integration of academics with researchers and professionals from the university and other institutions on current affairs in Science and the challenges in the professional market. This activity sought to promote interdisciplinarity between the various courses on the University Campus of the Region of Vinhedos of the University of Caxias do Sul and other university campuses. There were 25 works submitted, distributed in the technical sessions, Biological Sciences, Electronic, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering, whose abstracts make up this Special Supplement of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science [RICA-UCS].



How to Cite

Pinto Machado, C. (2018). Book of abstracts of the CARVI Integrated Academic Week (2017). Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, 3(6), 38–68. Retrieved from