Comparative Analysis of Lifting Forces in a Wing Obtained by Analytical and Numerical Method (CFD)
Wing, CFD, analysis, forceAbstract
The methodologies adopted by teams participating in the competition Aerodesign to perform the dimensioning of their wing model aircraft must ensure excellent value estimates payload to meet the project objectives. The introduction of numerical methods assists in the design and sizing of all model aircraft, especially when well connected with the project's main objective. This can be observed in this study that aims specifically to generate a comparative analysis of the wing of a model airplane. In the case of competition, the goal is to get a wing that presents the greatest support and the lowest possible drag. To this end, the methodology CFD (Computer Fluid Dynamics) is an excellent tool because it has the ability to perform various analyses on different projects. Thus has the ability to display multiple results, such as the flow of fluid along the wing, the wingtip vortices, the pressure distribution along the wing area, and values of lift and drag, which may also extract many graphs each. The present work analyses a wing with a 423 Epler profile and defined area, to give the values of lift forces. In end, the profile with the same boundary conditions adopted in the numerical method will be assessed based on the classic analytical methodology, usually adopted in the design of Aerodesign, to check the convergence of the results.
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