Mental health of psychologists that work in hospitals during the Covid-19 pandemic
Hospital psychology, Covid-19, Mental healthAbstract
Of a qualitative and quantitative nature, this study sought to understand and analyze the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of psychologists (as) in hospitals, through the correlation between two instruments: Hamilton’s Anxiety Assessment Scale (HAM-A) and a questionnaire made up solely and exclusively for this research, applied through an online form, the data analysis process took place through the statistical program SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) and the combination of qualitative and quantitative data collected. This study had the voluntary participation of five hospital psychologists working in the front line of the COVID-19 confrontation identified by the codenames: Agnes, Eleanor, Sophia, Amália and Bianca. The results obtained point to a scarce literature regarding mental health research of hospital psychologists, besides the mental health of these professionals was also negatively affected, leading professionals to adopt different adaptation and coping strategies.
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