



Innovativeness, IT Competence, Innovation Capacity, Mozambican Organizations


This research focused on analyzing the relationship between information technology (IT) competence and the innovation capacity of Mozambican organizations. The electronic questionnaire contains questions related to IT competence and innovation capacity as the primary constructs of the research model. The return was 136 valid responses, and for data analysis, partial least squares structural equation modeling was used with the SmartPls-3.3.2® software. The results reveal a significant impact of IT competence on innovation capacity in Mozambican organizations. When a Mozambican organization is IT competent, it can promptly detect the signals in the market in which it operates and answer the market requirements. In answering market demands, the organizations are innovating in services, products, processes, strategies, behavior, and innovation in the market itself. As for the dimensions of IT competence previously theoretically evaluated, the results confirmed empirically that this reflects the IT infrastructure capacity, IT business spanning capability, IT proactive posture, IT flexibility, and IT integration. For Mozambican organizations interested in being more competitive in the market, a high investment in IT on its various dimensions is necessary to be agile and innovative. It is not enough to have IT resources stored in the organization; they must be usual at all levels.


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Biografia do Autor

Gilberto Perez, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Livre Docente pela FEA/USP 2023.

Professor Visitante à Universidade de Lille - França  (out-dez / 2021).

Mestre 2003 e Doutor 2007 pela FEA/USP.

Professor do PPGA - Mackenzie.


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Como Citar

Perez, G. (2023). A STUDY ON THE INFLUENCE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMPETENCE ON THE INNOVATION CAPACITY OF MOZAMBICAN ORGANIZATIONS. Revista Brasileira De Gestão E Inovação (Brazilian Journal of Management and Innovation), 11(1). https://doi.org/10.18226/23190639.v11n1.03