Empreendedorismo internacional, Internacionalização, InovaçãoAbstract
With digital transformation driving business competitiveness, organizations face the necessity of conquering international markets. In this process of internationalization, numerous dimensions need to be explored, among which the capacity to innovate stands out. By theoretically exploring this dimension, several aspects that aid in the process of innovation and internationalization were identified. These aspects include the capacity to internationalize, the technical and personal capabilities of leaders, organizational strategy, product and market evolution, flexibility to recognize opportunities, resource management, technology, and the competitive advantage of organizations.
This research aims to analyze the expressiveness of the innovation capacity of leaders within a group of companies specializing in digital technology, located in the Northeast region of Brazil. To achieve this, a qualitative study was conducted, utilizing semi-structured interviews for data collection and adopting content analysis to examine the obtained information. The results showed that, upon analyzing the applicability of these aspects in the investigated companies, almost all elements of this dimension were evident, with the exception of organizational strategy. Furthermore, the significant involvement of leaders from the planning to the execution of innovation and internationalization processes was highlighted.
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