Perceived innovation, Loyalty, Service, Beauty salon, Beauty industryAbstract
The changes in the business world are constant, and this reality is due to globalization. In view of this, an evident factor in this new scenario is the issue of innovation, which is a complex process, which can be characterized as a fundamental point for the question of customer loyalty. The purpose of the paper is to identify the way in which the innovation perceived in a beauty salon service influences customer loyalty to it, using a model of structural equations. The research, which is quantitative and descriptive in nature, was carried out through the application of questionnaires with 285 consumers of the beauty salon service residing in the State of Pernambuco. Data analysis was performed using the statistical software JASP, in which a model of structural equations was created in order to verify which factors most influence the innovation perceived by consumers in beauty salons and which is the relationship between perceived innovation and customer loyalty. The results showed that the variables that positively affect an innovative perception of the service are: administration, service core, external infrastructure and responsiveness. A significant relationship was also found between perception of innovation and loyalty. Thus, this article confirms the hypothesis that it is essential that managers of beauty salon companies improve the practices of their services, with a view to innovation in order to obtain customer loyalty.
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