Open Innovation, Implementation, Framework, RIS, Case StudyAbstract
In order to increase the capacity for innovation and competitiveness, different types of companies have adopted the Open Innovation - OI strategy. However, the literature shows that companies have difficulties in implementing this strategy, mainly due to the lack of implementation methodologies. This article aims to empirically test a framework in the implementation of an OI project. Therefore, a case study was carried out with an agro-industrial automation company, where a project in partnership with a public university to develop a new technology was selected in the company's portfolio. The project was adjusted to the framework model, following the implementation steps. The tool presented a new system for implementing the OI, which allowed mapping the opportunities for partnerships and technological assets in the external environment, as well as helping to identify in the company the critical factors, deficiencies, competences and skills required for implementation. The results showed that the culture of innovation focused on external relationships, the adaptation of OI practices to the company's processes and characteristics, and the use of legal incentives for innovation, were crucial elements for the success of the OI project. Similarly, the research revealed that one of the difficulties in evaluating OI projects is to provide more effective instruments for monitoring and controlling the implementation process
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