inovação, parques científicos e tecnológicos, Modelo de Maturidade, maturidadeAbstract
Innovation has proven to be a vital part for the competitiveness of organizations, resulting in the proliferation of innovation ecosystems both in Brazil and abroad. Due to the impact achieved in recent years through the creation and expansion of these innovation ecosystems, various typologies of innovation habitats have become increasingly recognized and popularized. Among these are science and technology parks, which can be understood as cooperative and integrative environments that foster the emergence and development of innovative companies and startups. This study proposes the adaptation of a maturity model for assessing the maturity of science and technology parks, identifying key areas requiring investment. Furthermore, the application of this model to the Science, Technology, and Innovation Park of the University of Caxias do Sul (TecnoUCS) is presented, verifying the general level of maturity and of the categories analyzed by the model. From the results, it is understood that the maturity model can be understood and used as an instrument for monitoring processes and an indicator of success in the implementation of changes in organizations, indicating the development of maturity and presenting the areas that should direct efforts, allowing a direction for the conception of specific strategies and plans for its development.
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