editorial practices


RDAS seeks to comply with the criteria established by the Ministry of Education and the Foundation for the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel of Brazil, especially with regard to the provisions of Ordinance No. 145/2021, which consolidates the provisions on Qualis Periodicals.

At an international level, RDAS is also concerned with complying with all requirements of good editorial practices, using as a reference the criteria available at COPE (publicationethics.org).


RDAS does not charge any fees, either for submission or for publication of the scientific article.



The journal only accepts submissions sent via this website. We do not accept submissions by email or otherwise.

The preliminary analysis of the articles is carried out by the editors in a desk review. This phase respects the chronological order of submission and emphasizes compliance with technical standards, RDAS guidelines and thematic adequacy to the editorial policy. Given the requirement of originality, plagiarism and self-plagiarism are also checked. In addition, content generated by Artificial Intelligence - AI is checked.

Deadline: up to 2 months.


The articles approved in phase 1 are forwarded to reviewers for blind evaluation.

The reviewers have a PhD and are professors and associate researchers at national or foreign educational institutions.

Given that RDAS is linked to the Doctorate and Master's Degree in Law at UCS, located in the city of Caxias do Sul, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in order to maintain the exogeny of the reviewers who actually issued reviews, the following will be prioritized:

a) reviewers not belonging to UCS;

b) reviewers not belonging to the Editorial Board;

c) reviewers not linked to institutions in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, a federative state of Brazil;

d) reviewers from a location and institution different from the authors;

e) reviewers who have not recently reviewed articles in RDAS, to avoid excessive repetition;

The reviewer's evaluation may recommend:

a) acceptance;

b) rejection;

c) mandatory corrections;

In case of divergence between the reviews, the Editor may select another reviewer or reject the manuscript.

Considering that many reviewers do not meet the deadlines set by the Editors, as well as the high flow of submissions to the Journal, articles may remain in this phase for up to 12 (twelve) months after the beginning of the evaluation phase, although the average period is much shorter.

Deadline for reviewers to accept or reject: 1 week

Deadline granted to reviewers: 3 weeks


If the reviewers recommend accepting the submission and there are no pending issues, the editor communicates acceptance of the submission.

The article is then sent to the text editing phase, where it will be subject to spelling and grammar review and to be adapted to the standards adopted by the Journal.

In this phase, the author may be notified to make final adjustments to the article, as well as to update the metadata and curriculum information.

Once the text version has been approved, the article is sent for editing, at which point the layout is carried out with formatting adjustments.

Articles may remain in this phase for up to 6 months before being published in one of the issues of the Journal, and there is no guarantee that publication will occur in the same year as approval.



RDAS only publishes unpublished articles. Texts submitted for publication cannot be available in any other media, including institutional repositories.

When submitting an article to RDAS, the author formally undertakes not to submit it, at the same time, to another journal or event, under penalty of exclusion from the system and prohibition of new submissions for an indefinite period.


Articles must be written by a maximum of three authors, at least one of whom must have a doctorate degree and, preferably, be affiliated with a Master's and/or doctorate institution in Law or in areas related to environmental issues.

As for the other co-authors, the journal prioritizes the presence of doctors and doctoral students. The presence of co-authors who are masters, master's students, graduates or undergraduates is not a priority, but is permitted, as long as one of the authors has a doctorate degree.

RDAS adopts the criterion of a high degree of exogeny of its authors (minimum of 75%). In other words, in the formation of an edition, priority is given to the publication of at least 75% of articles whose authorship is by:

a) authors not belonging to the UCS Graduate Program in Law;

b) authors not belonging to the Editorial Board or the board of reviewers;

c) authors not linked to institutions in the State of Rio Grande do Sul;

d) authors who have not yet published in RDAS, to avoid excessive repetition of authorship. For this reason, the editors and the Editorial Board reserve the right not to publish approved texts immediately, considering criteria such as the maximum number of articles per volume and exogeny and endogeny criteria.

IMPORTANT: To monitor the editorial flow of your submission, access the system. If you have any questions, please contact the editorial team.


Copyright (c) 2024 Environmental Law and Society Journal

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