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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Authors must complete the biography summary, institution, location, area of ​​activity, link to the Lattes curriculum (Brazilians) and ORCID registration (all nationalities), which can be done at
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word doc. or docx format.
  • The text must have a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 30 pages, including references.
  • The text follows the requirements described in Submissions and uses the article template, available in Guidelines for authors.
  • The text is within the scope of the Journal, according to the Theme Tree, on the About the Journal page.
  • The text is written by a maximum of three authors, and one of them must have a PhD degree.
  • Figures and tables are inserted into the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • The article does not contain any identification of authorship, either in the text or in the file properties, under penalty of preliminary rejection.
  • The journal accepts articles in Portuguese and in the following foreign languages: English, Spanish, Italian or French.

Author Guidelines


Use the article template available here.


  1. Registration: Papers will be accepted at any time, in a continuous call, through electronic submission, after registering on the journal's website. Authors must fill out a summary of their biography, institution, location, area of ​​expertise, link to their CV (Brazilians) and ORCID registration (all nationalities), which can be done at
  2. Unpublished: Only unpublished articles (not submitted to other journals or publications) will be accepted.
  3. Authorship: Only articles written by a maximum of three authors will be accepted, and one of them must have a PhD degree. The article may not contain any identification of authorship, either in the text or in the file properties, under penalty of preliminary rejection.
  4. Format: Files for submission must be in doc. or docx format. Microsoft Word 6.0 or higher. The file may not exceed 2 MB.
  5. Length: The text must be a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 30 pages, including references.
  6. Framework: The text is within the scope of the Journal, according to the Theme Tree on the About the Journal page.
  7. Formatting: The article must comply with the formatting standards established in the article template.
  8. Languages: The journal accepts articles in Portuguese and in the following foreign languages: English, Spanish, Italian or French.
  9. Notes: Acknowledgements, dedications and funding sources must be informed in the journal system at the time of submission, in the notes field, to ensure blind review. This information will be included in the article in the case of publication.
  10. Evaluation: For acceptance of the papers, criteria of suitability for publication, scientific quality certified by the Editorial Board and by an anonymous peer review process – double blind peer review – will be observed. Learn more about our Editorial Policy.
  11. Fees: No fees are required for submission or publication of articles.


  1. Article title: Times font, size 12, centered, in bold. Translated title: Times font, size 12, centered, in italics.
  2. Abstract: Times font, size 10, justified paragraph, single-spaced, in a single paragraph, without indents or line breaks, containing a minimum of 120 and a maximum of 250 words. It must contain, at least: the objective(s), the methodology, the results and the conclusions.
  3. Translated abstract. All articles must be accompanied by (at least) two abstracts: a) articles in Portuguese must be translated into a foreign language: English, Spanish, French or Italian; b) articles in foreign languages ​​must be translated into Portuguese. The formatting rules are the same as for the main abstract.
  4. Keywords: must appear immediately below the abstracts, between 3 and 5, in alphabetical order, separated by semicolons and ending with a period. They must be written with lowercase initials, with the exception of proper nouns and scientific names. Translation: a) articles in Portuguese must be translated into a foreign language: English, Spanish, French or Italian; b) articles in foreign languages ​​must be translated into Portuguese.
  5. Introduction: Title in bold, only the first letter in capital letters, left-justified, in Times 12 font, justified alignment. The introduction must contain, at a minimum, the delimitation and relevance of the topic, research problem, objectives and methodological aspects.
  6. Titles and Subtitles: in bold, only the first letter in capital letters, left-justified. Ex: 2. Title and 2.1 Subtitle.
  7. Text: Times 12 font, justified.
  8. Reference system: Use the author-date system for references, with the use of explanatory footnotes or for translations being permitted. Ex: (Author, 2022). Articles by foreign authors written in English, French or Italian may, alternatively, use the citation and referencing systems of their countries of origin.
  9. Direct citation of up to 3 lines: text between quotation marks, in the same paragraph, following the text formatting. Use the Author-date reference system.
  10. Direct citation of more than 3 lines: text in a new paragraph, indented from the margin, without quotation marks, in size 10, single spacing (1.0), and justified paragraph. Use the Author-date reference system.
  11. Footnotes: use footnotes only for translations or explanatory notes. Footnotes are at the end of the page, formatted in Times font, size 10, justified, single spacing.
  12. Figures, charts, graphs or tables: are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments, according to the article model.
  13. Final considerations or conclusion: Must contain, at a minimum, the answer to the research questions, the results obtained and conclusions, making clear the contribution of the research to the topic. It is suggested that the text length correspond to at least 10% (ten percent) of the total number of pages of the article.
  14. References: Only works that are actually cited should appear in the References, listed in alphabetical order and highlighted in italics. Note: In the case of a digital version, add “Available at: http://wwwxxx (insert full link). Accessed on: day month year.”



SURNAME, First name. Title: subtitle. City-State: Publisher, year.

Book with multiple authors

SURNAME, First name; SURNAME, First name. Title: subtitle. City-State: Publisher, year.

Organized book

SURNAME, First name. (org.). Title: subtitle. City-State: Publisher, year.

Book chapter

SURNAME, First name. Title: subtitle. (p. 1- 10). In: SURNAME, First name. (org.). Title: subtitle. City-State: Publisher, year.

Periodical or article in a magazine

SURNAME, First name. Title: subtitle. Journal name. City-State, vol. 1, n. 1, p. 1-10, January 1, 2000.


SURNAME, First name. Title: subtitle. In: Name of the event. Annals [...] City-State, vol. 1, n. 1, p. 1-10, January 1, 2000.


SURNAME, First name. Title: subtitle. Year. Type of work (Monograph, Dissertation or Thesis). (Institution or University), City, year.


LOCATION. Law no. x, of day month year. Provides for (insert descriptive text contained in the law). City-State.


LOCATION. Court. Case name/Number. Rapporteur: name. City, date of judgment.

Official document

SURNAME, First name. (org.). Title: subtitle. City-State: Publisher, year.


SURNAME, First name. Title: subtitle. Newspaper. City-State, vol. 1, n. 1, p. 1-10, January 1, 2000.

Note: In the case of a digital version, add “Available at: http://wwwxxx (insert full link). Accessed on: day month year.”

Attention: Articles by foreign authors written in English, French or Italian may, alternatively, use the citation and referencing systems of their countries of origin.


Política padrão de seção.

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This Journal offers free and immediate access to its content, following the principle of democratization of knowledge. It is understood that the public and free availability of scientific knowledge contributes to the fulfillment of the social function of the University.

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RDAS follows the determinations of the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD).

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RDAS uses the LOCKSS system to create an archiving system distributed among the participating libraries. This system allows libraries to create permanent archives of the Journal for preservation and restoration.