Pragmatic in Marcelo Dascal: the relevance of the controversy




This study aims to discuss the crisis in which philosophy of science finds itself from the weakening of positivist logic, based on Marcelo Dascal’s proposal that defends the idea that a closer study to the controversy could collaborate in the process of evolution of scientific questions. For this purpose, the philosopher suggests a pragmatic perspective, that is, the perspective of the language in use. Therefore, the relationship between language and science, the controversies generated by science and the relationship between pragmatics and controversy are addressed. This investigation, allows to demonstrate the solidity of the foundations used by Dascal, which authorizes to give controversy and pragmatics a prominent place in the philosophy of science, guiding the modern philosophies of language towards the use of language and controversy as an open space for the new, for the ‘real world’, every day. 

Keywords: Philosophy of science. Dascal. Controversy. Pragmatics.


Author Biographies

Jaqueline Stefani, Universidade de Caxias do Sul


Carina Niederauer, Universidade de Caxias do Sul



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How to Cite

Stefani, J., & Niederauer, C. (2021). Pragmatic in Marcelo Dascal: the relevance of the controversy. Conjectura: Filosofia E educação, 1, e021008.