Kénosis and caritas as reading keys to Gianni Vattimo’s non-religious christianity
This article presents the categories of kénosis and caritas as key-words for the interpretative reading of the experience of God in contemporary times in the horizon of the so-called non-religious Christianity thought by italian philosopher Gianni Vattimo. The central hypothesis of the text considers that a reflection on the experience of God today from such categories implies understanding it as an experience that does not end in violence, fundamentalisms and intolerances. The experience of God in contemporary times, marked by cultural and religious plurality, requires the uninterrupted hermeneutic exercise of religious messages. So, it is also necessary to explain the relationship between secularization, kenosis and caritas as fundamental concepts for the understanding of religious experience beyond metaphysical thinking.
Keywords: Non religious christianity. Kénosis. Caritas. Secularization. Vattimo.
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