Religion and human condition a comparative reading between Ludwig Feuerbach and Georg Simmel
This article discusses in comparative reading some of the main aspects of the philosophy of religion by Ludwig Feuerbach and Georg Simmel. Even though the different philosophical orientations, a genetic perspective brings the two philosophers to search in subjectivity the source of historically instituted religions. At the origin of religion are the living faith (Feuerbach) and the religiosity (Simmel), expressions of lived experience that include non-intellectual dimensions, such as feeling and emotion. When accessing non-conceptual areas of the human being, the philosophy of religion has close links with anthropology, explicitly sustained in Feuerbach, underlying in Simmel. In the first three points, the article analyzes the developments of the regressive method that leads from religion to the core of religiosity. In the final points, it accentuates the divergences between two worldviews, Simmel defending the assumption of a metaphysical nucleus in the human soul and Feuerbach pointing to the transformation of the religious impulses into the intersubjective realization of Humanity.
Keywords: Ludwig Feuerbach. Georg Simmel. Religion. Feeling. Anthropology.
GW = Ludwig Feuerbach. Gesammelte Werke, hrsg. von Werner Schuffenhauer, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1967 ss.
A Essência da Religião = Das Wesen der Religion
A Essência do Cristianismo = Das Wesen des Christentums
Para a crítica da filosofia positiva = Zur Kritik der positiven Philosophie
Prelecções sobre a essência da religião = Vorlesungen über das Wesen der Religion
Princípios da filosofia do futuro = Grundsätze der Philosophie der Zukunft
Sobre a ‘Essência do Cristianismo’ em relação com o ‘Único e sua Propriedade ‘ de Stirner” = Über das “Wesen des Christentums” in Beziehung auf den “Einzigen und sein Eigentum”
Sobre o milagre = Über das Wunder
Teses provisórias para a reforma da filosofia = Vorläufige Thesen zur Reformation der Philosophie
R = Georg Simmel, Religião. Ensaios, 2 vs., ed. de Jorge Cláudio Ribeiro, com prefácios de Frédéric Vandenberghe e Leopoldo Waizbort, São Paulo, Olho d’Água, 2010 e 2011.
A arte religiosa de Rembrandt = Rembrandts religiöse Kunst
Religião e condição humana: uma leitura comparada entre Ludwig Feuerbach e Georg Simmel
A Religião = Die Religion
A religião e os opostos da vida = Die Gegensätze des Lebens und die Religion
Contribuição para a epistemologia da religião = Beiträge zur Erkenntnistheorie der Religion
Contribuição para a sociologia da religião = Zur Soziologie der Religion
Da salvação da alma = Über die Rettung der Seele
O cristianismo e a arte = Das Christentum und die Kunst
O problema da situação religiosa = Das Problem der religiösen Lage
Os Alpes = Die Alpen
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