Circular Economy of Packaging in Brazil
Stakeholders' Perspectives on its Institutionalization
circular economy, reverse logistics, waste management, institutional theory, packagingResumo
According to Institutional Theory, it is possible to internalize values in society and make certain attitudes considered appropriate or correct. This paper aims to analyze the stages of institutionalization of the Circular Economy of packaging in Brazil. This is an applied, qualitative and descriptive study that used the triangulation between document analysis and in-depth interviews to collect data. The intention was to enable the confrontation of the perceptions of several stakeholders (cross analysis) in the packaging sector in Brazil. Fifty-three (53) stakeholders working in this chain participated in the interviews. Results point out the initial phase of institutionalization of the Circular Economy of packaging (habitualization) in Brazil. After all, even ten years after its sanction, the Brazilian Policy of Solid Waste (BPSW) presents a low level of implementation. First because the country still has problems related to disposal in dumps, low recycling rates, little socio-productive inclusion of the waste pickers and low level of integration in waste management. Additionally, several stakeholders reported conflicts (objectification) and setbacks in terms of social control, making the sedimentation phase even more distant. The study contributes to knowledge in the area by improving understanding of the innovations that are necessary to implement the Circular Economy in the country. It also offers a classification of three phases of institutionalization of an innovation. The practical contribution is associated with identifying barriers and challenges that hinder the institutionalization of packaging circularity.
According to Institutional Theory, it is possible to internalize values in society and make certain attitudes considered appropriate or correct. This paper aims to analyze the stages of institutionalization of the Circular Economy of packaging in Brazil. This is an applied, qualitative and descriptive study that used the triangulation between document analysis and in-depth interviews to collect data. The intention was to enable the confrontation of the perceptions of several stakeholders (cross analysis) in the packaging sector in Brazil. Fifty-three (53) stakeholders working in this chain participated in the interviews. Results point out the initial phase of institutionalization of the Circular Economy of packaging (habitualization) in Brazil. After all, even ten years after its sanction, the Brazilian Policy of Solid Waste (BPSW) presents a low level of implementation. First because the country still has problems related to disposal in dumps, low recycling rates, little socio-productive inclusion of the waste pickers and low level of integration in waste management. Additionally, several stakeholders reported conflicts (objectification) and setbacks in terms of social control, making the sedimentation phase even more distant. The study contributes to knowledge in the area by improving understanding of the innovations that are necessary to implement the Circular Economy in the country. It also offers a classification of three phases of institutionalization of an innovation. The practical contribution is associated with identifying barriers and challenges that hinder the institutionalization of packaging circularity.
This article participated of the Call for Papers - Promoting Planet-Centered Systemic Change through Emergent Design | Brazilian Journal of Management and Innovation (Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Inovação)
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