Temporal perception, Self-efficacy, Generations, InnovationAbstract
This research aimed to investigate the influence of temporal perception factors (polychronicity, speed, punctuality, temporal depth and entrainment) on the feeling of self-efficacy, manifested differently to groups of generations (Baby Boomers, X, Y and Z), through the analysis of generational conflict or generational adaptation for a selection of formal workers from public and / or private organizations, with access to social networks and electronic means of communication. In this study an Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression was performed with robust errors. The results indicated that three times perception factors (Polychronia, Speed and Drag), associated with the impression of self-efficacy, did not present statistically significant differences for formal workers belonging to different generations. The main conclusion is that generations are adapting to the technological demands imposed by organizations seeking productivity. As a theoretical contribution, this research presents a line of academic construction little used, when it builds the idea that the generations, although the literature exposes their differences found in occasional remnants of conflicts, tend to adapt to the demands of the labor market, building a new job profile. Such an idea could encourage new comparative studies between the generations of workers working in the labor market
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