Enabling contexts, Innovation, Intraorganizational dimensions, Sillicon ValleyAbstract
Taking as a reference the notion of “enabling contexts” for innovation, this study aimed to analyze the influence of contextual dimensions involved in the innovation process in organizations located in Silicon Valley (United States). Adopting the case study method, it was possible to capture the view of Silicon Valley professionals about how certain contextual dimensions (specifically, culture, work, structure, technology and physical environment) influence the innovative process of organizations. The results indicate that the cultural, work and organizational design dimensions were the ones that stood out the most in the interviewees' reports, pointing out that such conditions directly affect the level of innovation of the organizations. Therefore, it can be inferred that such dimensions are presented as a gear capable of mobilizing individuals towards the creation of knowledge and innovation. The technological and physical aspects did not appear spontaneously in the interviews as conditions directly linked to the creative process, but only with an indirect influence on innovation, by allowing greater interaction and communication between individuals / teams. Such results may indicate that innovation is more related to soft aspects (personal and informal) than to hard aspects. In terms of its relevance, this study is justified when investigating, from the perspective of agents directly involved in innovation, stories and experiences lived in innovative environments, considering that Silicon Valley is one of the most prominent regions in terms of new technologies in the world. It was then possible to understand, in some way, the implications of different dimensions of the organization in the innovative process.
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