Industrial Augmented Reality as a Support Tool in Maintenance of Electrical Panels


  • Rodrigo Martini Riboldi Universidade de Caxias do Sul
  • Ivandro Cecconello


Maintenances of electrical panels are necessary to ensure the proper functioning of industrial machinery and equipment. This sector has some concerns related to the safety of professionals and the correct execution of maintenance protocols. There are often standardized documents containing the steps to be followed in the process that end up being neglected or not followed correctly by the professionals. This study aims to demonstrate the creation of a minimum viable product of an Augmented Reality application to assist in maintenance tasks for electrical control panels of industrial machinery and equipment, displaying information about the panels and the sequence of steps that must be taken and correctly followed so that maintenance is carried out correctly, thus facilitating training and increasing the safety of professionals involved in these processes. To create this application, a method is used that includes the use of the initial system, going through all stages of development until the functional tests. Afterwards, a survey with potential users of this system to collect information about the use and improvements needed. With this study it was possibly to conclude that Augmented Reality has great potential for use in maintenance tasks for electrical panels and integration with the Internet of Things, as it provides greater security and ease of training in the industrial environment.


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How to Cite

Riboldi, R. M.; Cecconello, I. Industrial Augmented Reality As a Support Tool in Maintenance of Electrical Panels. Sci. cum Ind. 2020, 8, 78-86.



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