Definition and Application of a Maturity Model for Smart Manufacturing, from the perspective of Industry 4.0.


  • Felipe Butelli Lunelli Universidade de Caxias do Sul
  • Ivandro Cecconello UCS


Intelligent manufacturing can be considered one of the key strategies for companies to become even more competitive within today's industry landscape. Faced with a series of technologies launched in the industrial world because of the new industrial revolution, Revolution 4.0, it is clear that a deployment strategy for new manufacturing technologies must be established. The work has the objective of presenting an adapted maturity model, which uses as a basis of evaluation the Industry 4.0 technologies to implement an Intelligent Manufacturing. Complementing the main objective, we used the model developed to perform a diagnosis in a manufacturing company of the metallurgical segment. The method used was the definition of a maturity model, adapted according to new technological concepts, thus measuring each enabling technology for an Intelligent Manufacturing. The obtained results allowed to demonstrate a diagnosis of Manufacturing, in the concept of vertical integration, in which it was possible to realize the strategic difficulty of the evaluated company in relation to Intelligent Manufacturing. The results presented will enable the company to pave the way and direct its efforts on technology investments towards Smart Manufacturing.


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How to Cite

Lunelli, F. B.; Cecconello, I. Definition and Application of a Maturity Model for Smart Manufacturing, from the Perspective of Industry 4.0. Sci. cum Ind. 2019, 7, 126-134.



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