Traveling in the digital world:

How does Instagram Influences Young People's Tourism Engagement and Intention in Terms of Social Cognitive Learning Theory?



Palabras clave:

Tourist, Young, Instagram, Social Cognitive Learning Theory, Flow Experience


This study examines the impact of Instagram's e-servicescape on the behavior of young people using a model based on social cognitive learning theory. 408 young tourists participated in the quantitative research. The research model and hypotheses were examined using exploratory factor, correlation, and regression analyses. The results showed that layout & functionality had no impact, while tourists' positive emotions and online flow experiences were influenced by financial security and esthetic appeal. It was also noted that the components of Instagram's e-service experience play a crucial role in understanding the travel behavior of young people. Therefore, it is important for tourism businesses to continually improve content of their account, especially in terms of financial security and aesthetic appeal, as the experiences of young travelers on Instagram impact their purchase intentions. Incorporating online flow experience and positive affect into the social cognitive learning model helps better explain tourists' behavior on social media. The study offers a perspective to tourism researchers and professionals by providing information about the meaning of young tourists' social media use for the tourism industry.

Biografía del autor/a

Burak Atasoy, Sakarya University of Applied Sciences

PhD. Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Tourism, Sakarya, Turkey. E-mail:

Oğuz Türkay , Sakarya University of Applied Sciences

Doctor. Profesor Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Tourism, Sakarya, Turkey E-mail:


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Cómo citar

Atasoy, B., & Türkay , O. (2024). Traveling in the digital world:: How does Instagram Influences Young People’s Tourism Engagement and Intention in Terms of Social Cognitive Learning Theory?. Revista Rosa Dos Ventos - Turismo E Hospitalidade, 16(4).