a Bibliometric Review of Business Models


  • Jaqueline Morbach UERGS
  • Andreia de Bem Machado UERGS
  • Marc François RICHTER UERGS




Objective - The article aims to point out business models that might favour circular economy (CE) through sustainable actions. Approach - To this effect, a bibliometric analysis was conducted using a systematic search on the Scopus database, with the following keywords "circular economy", "sustainability" and "business model" that had to be present in the articles' title, abstract or keywords, with views to covering articles that dealt with the search subject matter. Relevance - Economic sectors are being required to present a more meaningful positioning to the lack of natural resources available for production and to promote more sustainable actions, such parameters developed by CE. Main Results - It was found, that Italy stood out with 1439 citations in articles published between 2018 and 2022. The two main reference authors in the field are Nancy Bocken, from the Netherlands, with nine publications, and Gianmarco Bressanelli, from Italy, with seven publications. Findings - There is a deepening of the structure of business models in CE, in order to accelerate the internalization of the culture in CE, which seeks a holistic systemic vision favoring sustainable actions. Theoretical Implications - The proposals of business models in CE, use as a base constructive blocks that generate knowledge and innovative processes, which integrate the parts of the block itself, forming cycles driven by a central flow linked to the design and supply chain, enabling better design of products and services. Contributions to society and Organizations - CE represents value generation for companies through socio-environmental gain.


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How to Cite

Morbach, J., de Bem Machado, A., & RICHTER, M. F. (2024). CIRCULAR ECONOMY AND CORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY:: a Bibliometric Review of Business Models. Brazilian Journal of Management and Innovation (Revista Brasileira De Gestão E Inovação), 11(3). Retrieved from

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