Context: The adoption of startup solutions is one of the elements of open innovation. Objective: To explore how an established company can innovate through its relationship with startups, particularly by adopting their solutions. Method: This is an interventionist research adopting the action research method based on Coghlan and Brannick (2005). The research execution employs design thinking concepts to identify pain points (or problems to be solved), map solutions offered by startups, and implement some of these solutions within the company. Pedroso's (2016) business model framework is used for diagnosing and assessing the impacts of the interventions. Originality and Relevance: The research is based on the premise that companies can innovate by adopting startup solutions. To this end, the article presents a contemporary and empirical experience. Results: The interventions resulted in process innovations, which had significant impacts on the company's business model components. These interventions led to productivity benefits and advancements in the development of an innovation culture. Senior management's commitment was a critical success factor for the project. Theoretical Contributions: The research presents a structured process adopted by a company to implement startup solutions capable of addressing some of its problems. Managerial Contributions: The research offers a practical process for adopting solutions developed by startups, applicable to companies of various sizes and sectors.
Limitations and Research Developments: This research is based on a specific case study conducted through action research. Thus, it opens up opportunities to expand the study, aiming to transform the adopted process into a method.
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