Celebrity endorsement, Symbolic meaning, Market positioning, Brand image, Brand management, Brand innovationAbstract
Celebrity endorsement is a widely used marketing strategy, that is, using celebrities as spokespersons for a product and/or service, in order to leverage sales and increase the attractiveness of a brand. The use of a celebrity in communication actions is an efficient way to transfer symbolic meanings to a brand and to the consumer by means an association of the products and brand in question with their image. In this context, the study aimed to understand the process of transferring symbolic meaning from celebrity endorsement to brand image in the perception of young consumers. Therefore, a qualitative exploratory research was carried out, operationalized through three focus groups, totaling thirty participants (consumers), conducted from a semi-structured approach, using a basic script of questions for its conduction. The object of study was celebrity Gisele Bündchen, related to six Brazilian brands: O Boticário, Pantene, C&A, Ipanema, Hope and Vivara. Thus, it was possible to show that the celebrity endorser (Gisele Bündchen) transfers a set of positive meanings to all the brands analyzed, with the predominance of some of them. At the end of the survey, it was possible to propose some directions for companies to leverage their market positioning and results through the use of celebrity endorsements associated with their brands and products.
DOI: 10.18226/23190639.v10n2.0
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