Expenditure, Innovation, Sustainable Development GoalsAbstract
The National System of Science, Technology and Innovation (SNCTI) in Brazil comprises an environment formed by public and private institutions, funding agencies, research companies, in addition to a number of instruments instituted in favor of the development of Science, Technology and Innovation activities - ST&I. These constitutive milestones are outlined in the document Estratégia Nacional de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação 2016|2022 (ENCTI), where the Government defined guidelines, rules, challenges and goals to promote ST&I in Brazil. The purpose of this article is to discuss the challenge of positioning Brazil among the most developed countries in ST&I, defined in the ENCTI planning for the period 2016-2021. It is also intended to to present and analyze the performance of the two goals defined for this challenge - the first target related to expenditure on research and development - R&D and the second to the human resources active in the R&D. The factors that may have influenced the results complement the study This study used the empirical methodology, with data collection carried out by bibliographic research of secondary sources for data collection and analysis. The data collected covered the period from 2016 to 2019 extracted from the official database. In the analysis, a comparison was made with data from the previous period to verify the evolution of Brazilian performance and the achievement of goals. At the end, the discussion presents the results of the goals and the challenge projected in the ENCTI document, with the performance of indicators from the data collected.
DOI: 10.18226/23190639.v10n2.07
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Cristina dos Santos, Ana Cristina de Lima Cardoso Carvalho, Paulo Eduardo Mascarello Gobbi, Paula Meyer Soares, Leila Maria da Juda Bijos

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