Innovation capacity, Organizational learning, Responsible innovationAbstract
Companies are facing an increasingly complex and dynamic business environment, resorting to innovation as an alternative to increase their competitive capacity. However, the emergence of new technologies and the change to a new model of economic development, which combines economic and financial aspects with socially responsible and environmentally aware perspectives, has generated challenges beyond the response capacity of these companies. The problem lies in how to adjust to new realities quickly and assertively. Recent studies point out that companies need to increase organizational learning to develop innovation capacity, now no longer under traditional parameters, but adopting new models, such as responsible innovation. This study aims to point out determining factors so that, at the same time, organizational learning initiatives and the development of innovation capacity can facilitate the inclusion of responsible innovation in its processes. This is a qualitative and exploratory study, which included a review of the scientific literature that deals with the concepts of organizational learning, innovation capacity and responsible innovation. The results show that organizational learning and innovation capacity development can facilitate the implementation of responsible innovation in the innovative process of companies, contributing to the transition to the responsible and sustainable development model. This implementation can guarantee greater competitive capacity, differentiating the products and services offered by companies in the market, in addition to aligning with the new demands of stakeholders, mainly employees and consumers aware of the new technological and socio-environmental realities.
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