Social innovation, Collaborative networks, BibliometricsAbstract
Social innovation creates social value through community development, building broader collaborative networks, and challenging existing institutions through collaborative action. Thus, this study aims to investigate the state of the art of international scientific production on the interrelationship between social innovation and collaborative networks. To this end, the Scopus database was used, and 24 articles were found, analyzed in terms of articles and journals, authorship and co-authorship networks, research topics, and methodologies and the main contributions of the studies. The results of this research point to central themes and fields of research through which social innovation and collaborative networks are constituted. These themes and fields of research are related to social enterprise, in the form of cooperative networks and network innovation; stakeholder, with citizen participation and collaborative practices; innovation, with a focus on collective action, society, and university; social innovation, through knowledge-intensive social services and public-private partnership; social movements, with the diffusion of social innovations and multiparty collaboration; and social entrepreneurship, through collaboration and innovation community. Thus, this study will allow the knowledge of how the themes of social innovation and collaborative networks have been discussed in international literature, and from the scenario found, to observe the advances and gaps identified in research in this field.
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