consumer behavior, Food retail, Store formatsAbstract
The present study aimed to analyze the food retailer consumer behavior, taking into account the moderating effect of the store format. To this end, a quantitative-descriptive study was conducted with 587 individuals. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, linear correlation analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used. The results proved to be significant, with the observation of specific differences between the behavior and perception of consumers in the analyzed formats. The correlations of variables related to the service attribute can be evidenced with regard to the perception of consumers of neighborhood supermarkets, store atmosphere, convenience, products and sales promotions regarding the perception of consumers of super and hypermarkets, and price for consumers of the wholesalers. Peculiarities were also identified in the relationships between store formats and subsequent value constructs (Satisfaction, Intention to buy and Recommendation), with the highest perceptions of these attributes being evidenced among consumers of hypermarket format stores and the lowest perceptions of these among the neighborhood supermarket consumers. Through the peculiarities presented in each store format, corroborated by the correlation between the attributes valued in each of them, as well as the subsequent constructs of value creation, it was evident that the store format is a fundamental characteristic in the design and analysis of the creation of value of food retail stores, with specific strategies for attracting and maintaining its target audience in each format.
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