Ethnic Ventures for the Maintenance of Brazilian Food Heritage in Barcelona, Spain
Turismo, Cultura, Comida, Tradições aimentares , Brasil, Barcelona, Espanha.Abstract
To identify the main ethnic resources that Brazilian restaurants in Barcelona use to maintain their food heritage, the owner of five restaurants described as Brazilians on their websites, agreed to participate in this qualitative study. In-depth interviews were carried out. The narratives were analyzed through content analysis. The elements were adopted to characterize the ethical resources to establish the Brazil concept were food, service, atmosphere, and music, creating an atmosphere of hospitality. Elements were presented in different ways between restaurants, reflecting personal experiences, business demands and clientele. Ethnic restaurants contribute to the representation of Brazil globally. However, their effort to maintain the Brazilian food heritage abroad and in a very touristy city leads to its transformation in the context of the local culture, as well as in the selection and reduction of dishes that they consider representative and possible to offer.
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