Playing the Geneticist: Discovering DNA and Unveiling what is Behind the Human Karyotype
The study of our genetic material (DNA) is something fascinating and still mysterious to everyone. Aiming to bring their hidden knowledge to a most dynamic and simple language, and in attempt to bring it to the reality of all, genetics has been seeking alternative methodologies so that a larger number of people can understand it and realize that its theme, the DNA, influences and is part of our daily lives. This calls for a need to expand on experimental activities that makes students build their knowledge collectively, dynamic and fun, making significant, interesting and lifelong learning, aimed on understanding and identifying our genetic material, its importance and hidden mysteries, in their teachings. The experimental practices are introduced as a support to the full comprehension of the subject. These workshops function as a constructive way of building knowledge through action and reflection, applied to teachers of the city of Caxias do Sul. The subject studied in the workshop involves topics directly related with the genome, while the experimental practices consist into DNA extractions, karyotype analysis and ideogram construction. These educational activities should be worked in classroom as a support tool in building of knowledge and must be approached continuously and interdisciplinary to provide a meaningful learning. The workshop was well received within the community, giving a solid foundation for the pedagogical teaching of Biology.
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