The Citation Factor Reconsidered: New Alternative for Tourism and Hospitality Research


  • Maximiliano E Korstanje Universidad de Palermo

Palabras clave:

Tourism. Hospitality. Epistemology. Research. Journals.


This note of research deals with the obsession of tourism scholars for citation impacts. Here I analyze not only the problems of tourism research but also how commercial publishers monopolized the production and the academic market through the imposition of the sense of prestige. We hold the thesis that the citation impact corresponds with a narcissist trend oriented to undermine the critical thinking.



Maximiliano E Korstanje - Doutorando. Professor na Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Currículo: E-mail:



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Biografía del autor/a

Maximiliano E Korstanje, Universidad de Palermo





Cómo citar

Korstanje, M. E. (2018). The Citation Factor Reconsidered: New Alternative for Tourism and Hospitality Research. Revista Rosa Dos Ventos - Turismo E Hospitalidade, 10(4). Recuperado a partir de