The Samba de Roda of Recôncavo Baiano and Cultural Tourism:

Reflections and Dissonances from Critical Heritage Studies and Performance Anthropology


  • Gabriela Nicolau dos Santos Universidade de Aveiro


Cultural Tourism; Critical Heritage Studies; Performance Anthropology; Samba de Roda of the Recôncavo; Bahia, Brazil.


This article aims to share some of the results of the doctoral thesis entitled “Políticas Públicas para a Salvaguarda do Patrimônio Cultural Imaterial: O Caso do Samba de Roda do Recôncavo Baiano (Brasil)”, presented in 2016 by the author to the University of Barcelona. To attend the demands of this Dossier, I have made a selection to present Samba de Roda from the perspective of some of the most illustrious sambadeiras and sambadores from Recôncavo and, with the support of Critical Heritage Studies and Performance Anthropology understand the complex relationship between tourism and cultural performances, such as Samba de Roda. Seeking to overcome the frequent representation of tourism as a contemporary threat to cultural assets and, without denying the contradictions inherent in the relationship between Tourism and the so-called Intangible Cultural Heritage, I seek to highlight the subject condition of the performers to understand the struggle for power – as a rule, unequal – which operates in cultural arenas, and understand which people, groups and/or sectors have control over the narrative, cultural representation and production in tourist spaces.

Author Biography

Gabriela Nicolau dos Santos, Universidade de Aveiro

Doutora. Professora Auxiliar Convidada, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal. Currículo: E- mail:


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How to Cite

Nicolau dos Santos, G. (2024). The Samba de Roda of Recôncavo Baiano and Cultural Tourism: : Reflections and Dissonances from Critical Heritage Studies and Performance Anthropology . Revista Rosa Dos Ventos - Turismo E Hospitalidade, 16(2). Retrieved from