Conventions & Visitors Bureaux and Operating Strategies in Times of a Pandemic:

An Analysis in Brazil Northeast


  • Gildygleide Cruz de Brito Rego UFRN
  • Ricardo Lanzarini
  • Aline Gisele Azevedo de Lima Barros
  • Adson de Lima Claudino


Tourism, Event, Convention&Visitor Bureau, Covid-19, Brazil Northeast


In view of the pandemic scenario caused by COVID-19, analyzing the performance of the Conventions & Visitors Bureaux [CVBx], relevant entities in capturing events for cities, has become opportune, as their activities contribute positively to tourist activity and due to the measures to face the coronavirus [isolation and social distancing], the CVBx had their actions paralyzed. In this way, the article aimed to identify the strategies of action of the CVBx of the capitals of the Brazilian Northeast during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research, with data collection carried out through interviews with representatives of the CVBx from six northeastern capitals [São Luís/MA, Fortaleza/CE, Natal/RN, João Pessoa/PB, Recife/PE and Maceió/AL]. The results show that the CVBx had their face-to-face activities interrupted, events captured were postponed and/or cancelled, and even in the face of so many uncertainties, the synergy between the CVBx, maintainers and associations continued to converge through actions to keep the event sector active.

Author Biographies

Gildygleide Cruz de Brito Rego, UFRN

Gildygleide Brito – Mestra. Doutoranda em Turismo PPGTUR/UFRN. Bacharel em Turismo pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Técnica em Eventos e Guia de Turismo pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). Currículo: E-mail:

Ricardo Lanzarini

Ricardo Lanzarini – Doutor em Ciências Humanas (UFSC). Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Turismo da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (DETUR/UFRN) e Professor Permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Turismo (PPGTUR/UFRN). Currículo: E-mail:

Aline Gisele Azevedo de Lima Barros

Aline Gisele Azevedo de Lima Barros – Mestra em Engenharia da Produção (UFRN). Docente do Departamento de Turismo e Hotelaria da UFPB. Currículo: E-mail:

Adson de Lima Claudino

Adson de Lima Claudino – Mestrando em Turismo pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Turismo (PPGTUR) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Bacharel em Turismo pela UFRN. Técnico em Eventos pelo IFRN. Graduando em Design de Moda pelo IFRN. Currículo: E-mail:



How to Cite

Cruz de Brito Rego, G., Lanzarini, R., Azevedo de Lima Barros , A. G. ., & de Lima Claudino , A. . (2023). Conventions & Visitors Bureaux and Operating Strategies in Times of a Pandemic: : An Analysis in Brazil Northeast . Revista Rosa Dos Ventos - Turismo E Hospitalidade, 15(1). Retrieved from