Capacidades Dinâmicas; Parque Científico Tecnológico; Cidade Inteligente e Ecossistema de InovaçãoAbstract
This research aimed to understand how the development of dynamic capabilities (DC) in a scientific and technological park (STP) influenced the creation of the smart city (SC) movement within the context of the innovation ecosystem (IE) from 2002 to 2021. The article is presented as a single, qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive case study, investigating an STP located in an SC in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Data were collected through interviews with managers and coordinators of the park's main departments and through the examination of city documents. The results obtained indicate that the developed DC influenced the creation of the SC movement. The most salient DC developed in the analyzed coevolutionary stages demonstrate that the theoretical constructs of both the STP and the SC are interconnected, driving regional development within the IE.
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