Siscoserv, Strategy, Diversification, Foreign trade, Macroenvironment, Market innovationAbstract
This teaching case reports the dilemma of the AC COMEX company, which has been operating since 2003 in the field of consultancy and solutions for international trade companies. From 2012 its main service became the SISCOSERV registry. However, in 2020, the obligation for companies to supply SISCOSERV with data on imports and exports was suspended, compromising the management of AC COMEX and its sustainability in the market. The primary sources were interviews and direct communication with AC COMEX partners. As a secondary source, the company's official website and documents provided by the partners were used. The present case is a platform for evaluating the strategies used and for diversifying international business that minimize the impact of threats from the external environment, bringing financial sustainability to the company. After the debate period, the class is expected to drive the best decisions, and what the company could have done. Class members should analyze the proposed strategies and can make a more correct final decision.
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