Da Crítica da Razão à Pedagogia do Descentramento Revisitando Kant, Foucault e Piaget

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Pablo Benevides


This article aims to build an analytical space that makes certain connections intelligible, of great importance for the field of Philosophy of Education, between Kant's Critical-Transcendental Philosophy and Pedagogical Constructivism based on Piaget's Genetic Epistemology. Aware of the need to proceed with rigor and subtlety in this undertaking, we resort to Foucault's Archeology to offer a field of discursive articulation in which the immanence, singularity and transversality of the discursive formations present in the writings of Kant and Piaget do not prevent a discourse transcendental establishes meaningful relationships with a psychogenetic (and, therefore, empirical) discourse. With regard to Kant's thought, we emphasize the way in which the German philosopher uses what he called the skeptical method so that the metaphysical discourse, based on the natural functioning of reason, speaks for itself and produces a set of disagreements that Kant called transcendental illusions. Taking as relevant the Kantian discovery that Pure Reason produces inevitable illusions that, however, can be, in some way, stopped by Criticism, we find, there, an important avenue of dialogue with Piaget and, more generally, with the field of Education. Thus, we take Piaget's analysis of phenomena such as egocentrism and centration to emphasize how the natural functioning of human cognition is uninterruptedly blocked by the difficulty in seeing from one point of view to another. It is, in both cases, a structural difficulty of human reason (Kant) or cognitive development (Piaget) that leads to a hasty, partial and mistaken judgment – ​​and this, precisely, because it is blind to the subtleties and complexities existing from a point of view that is external to it. In this sense, we rehearse the proposition of a Pedagogy of Decentering, as one capable of coordinating different points of view and, before canceling them as mistakes or stagnating them as correct, placing them in a given organization that will have the effect, in the meaningful and functional articulation of different points of view, widening the field of vision - and, with this, equip itself against two great historical enemies of Philosophy and Education: dogmatism and centration.

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How to Cite
Benevides, P. (2024). Da Crítica da Razão à Pedagogia do Descentramento: Revisitando Kant, Foucault e Piaget. CONJECTURA: Filosofia E educação, 29, e024004. Retrieved from https://sou.ucs.br/revistas/index.php/conjectura/article/view/1440


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