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The purpose of this article is to prepare a literature review of theses and dissertations defended in Postgraduate Programs in Education, whose epistemological and/or methodological perspective is inscribed or dialogues with Foucauldian thought. Our working method used bibliographical and documentary research based on a survey carried out on the CAPES theses and dissertations portal, in which eighteen research studies analyzed in this same article were collected. Our results start from a systematic description of the work based on a catalog of possible dialogues and problematizations created by researchers around the concepts and projects thought up by the French intellectual. Due to the historical period analyzed, many works describe the problematization of school and non-school spaces in education from the project of a genealogy of power, as well as from the perspective of the constitution of disciplinary devices. The results and discussions point out not only the relevance of Foucault's studies for education, but also glimpse the possibility of thinking about the articulation of this research as a possibility to think about possible resistance strategies in the face of normalization games in the field of education, emphasizing its political aspects. and historical. Firstly, the reader is presented with an introductory discussion about the meanings and meanings of the dialogue between Foucault and education. The second moment is dedicated to methodological contextualization in which we present each stage of the survey carried out, the justification for choosing to carry out the survey on the CAPES theses and dissertations portal and the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The third moment is dedicated to carrying out a descriptive presentation of theses and dissertations in dialogue with the thoughts of Michel Foucault. The fourth moment reflects on the capillarity and transversality of education from the perspective of Michel Foucault. Finally, our considerations are dedicated to exploring the tensions that exist between Foucault and education, understanding this knowledge from a set of historical and political problematizations.

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How to Cite
DIAZ DE VIVAR Y SOLER, R., Eloi , A. B. ., & Fabiano Pradie. (2025). DIALOGUES BETWEEN FOUCAULT AND THE EDUCATION: A LITERATURE REVIEW IN DISSERTATIONS AND THESES IN EDUCATION (1986-1999). CONJECTURA: Filosofia E educação, 29, e024020. Retrieved from https://sou.ucs.br/revistas/index.php/conjectura/article/view/1146
Author Biographies


GRADUATE IN PSYCHOLOGY FROM UNESC MASTER IN PSYCHOLOGY FROM UFSC DOCTOR IN PHILOSOPHY FROM UNISINOS Permanent professor of the professional Master's degree in teaching natural and mathematical sciences. Collaborating Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Education at FURB. Full professor at the Department of Psychology at FURB.

Ana Bárbara , FURB


Fabiano Pradie , FURB



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