Health and Education Toys Librarys: Contemporary Challenges Desafios Contemporâneos
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The toys librarys, whether in health or education, still lack clarification of their function and their potential for the human development process, especially in childhood. In the hospital the challenge lies in the recognition of this space as health promoter and as a consequence in the organization, especially in the stay of this space in the hospital. In education the challenge is in the absence of the right to play as part of children's experiences as well as its potential for learning and development, but the focus of the absence of playing in school is very connected to the absence of recognition of the toy library in the training process of Pedagogue. In this sense, this work aims to discuss the contemporary challenges that the toy library still needs to overcome in health and education. Thus, a qualitative research was carried out, understood as an essay of a bibliographic survey. From the survey the following categories were analysed: 1. Toy Library; 2. Hospital Toy Library and 3. Toys Library at the School, of which, based on inclusion criteria (Concept of toys and current challenges in health and education) fourteen theoretical references on toys were selected; hospital toys and toys at school. About toys, we find that there is a diversity of typification that can be organized from context, age and operation. In the hospital toy library, starting with Federal Law 11.104/2005, the results point to the need to consider the importance of playing as a means of humanization and health care, as well as the constant search for healthy balance and prevention of stress caused by hospitalization. Already in the toy library in the educational spaces, it is necessary to favor the play in the basic education, but according to the data of the theoretical references raised, it is worth emphasizing to consider the toy library as a criterion of quality in the formation of Pedagogo, so that in the pedagogical practice can favor the experiences of playing in the daily school.
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