Use of Augmented Reality as a Mean for Visualizing Work Instructions



Work instructions are not always easy to interpret, because sometimes they need a certain degree of knowledge to be understood. In some cases they are extensive and this makes the operator not interested in using them. In addition, printed documents can become obsolete or can be lost due a modification in a process or product update. This study have as goal to show the steps to create an Augmented Reality experience that works like a mean for visualizing a work instruction in a manufacturing line. This system should be accessed at workstation and provide all the information about the task in an objective, immersive and interactive way. For this, a creation method with five steps was utilized, which involves from the conception phase until the functioning test. Lastly, following the creation method, it was identified that some steps are similar to the conventional process to create a traditional work instruction. Some points that require attention and some advantages were identified. It was also concluded that Augmented Reality can be used as a work instruction in a factory and enables a more intuitive and immersive way to show the information.


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How to Cite

Corso, G. S.; Cecconello, I. Use of Augmented Reality As a Mean for Visualizing Work Instructions. Sci. cum Ind. 2019, 7, 94-101.



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