Development of an open source-based manufacturing execution system (MES): industry 4.0 enabling technology for small and medium-sized enterprises


  • Rangel Besutti University of Caxias do Sul
  • Vanessa de Campos Machado Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Ivandro Cecconello University of Caxias do Sul


The companies’ production systems have been transformed by industry 4.0 technologies, therefore increasing their sophistication. Vertical integration, one of industry 4.0 pillars, is filling the gap between lean manufacturing and industry 4.0 through manufacturing execution systems (MES), that aid in process control and improvement through data analysis. As a contribution to enterprises migration towards industry 4.0, this work aims to develop a MES based on open source technologies and functional characteristics similar to those systems available on the market, although the system developed aims at small and medium enterprises. In order to do so, the technologies and software available on the market were assessed against characteristics defined as important in the evaluation of similar systems. The MES developed through the use of open source technologies resulted in 76.22% of characteristics similar to other systems, besides having a sale price up to 55.3% lower than other commercial systems. OpMES, the developed system, was successfully implemented in a company whose production process is complex due to the high level of customization of the product.


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How to Cite

Besutti, R.; de Campos Machado, V.; Cecconello, I. Development of an Open Source-Based Manufacturing Execution System (MES): Industry 4.0 Enabling Technology for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Sci. cum Ind. 2019, 7, 1-11.



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