Operational Rule Curves of a Reservoir in Sergipe Derived by Implicit Stochastic Optimization and Nonlinear Regression


  • José Amaury de Sousa Santos Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Alcigeimes B. Celeste Universidade Federal de Sergipe




This paper presents the development and application of operational rule curves for water supply reservoirs, using as a case study the Poxim river dam, Sergipe, by means of implicit stochastic optimization supported by regression analysis (ISO-REG). The performance of ISO-REG is compared with those of the standard reservoir operating policy (SOP), perfect-forecast deterministic optimization (PFDO) and stochastic dynamic programming (SDP). At first, a hundred 100-year monthly inflow scenarios are used for the model calibration. Later, a hundred new inflow series are applied for validation of the four procedures. The results indicate the feasibility of using ISO in view of its less vulnerability when compared to the SOP as well as the proximity of its operations with those from the PFDO. The comparison of ISO-REG with SDP shows small differences between both, including less vulnerable operations by ISO-REG, justifying its adoption for its simplified mathematics as compared to SDP.





How to Cite

de Sousa Santos, J. A.; Celeste, A. B. Operational Rule Curves of a Reservoir in Sergipe Derived by Implicit Stochastic Optimization and Nonlinear Regression. Sci. cum Ind. 2016, 4, 32-37.



Science, Education and Engineering