Educational Methods and the student (Des)Motivation: an Analysis on High School Students Motivation
The lack of student motivation to learn is a big problem for teachers. Research shows that students come to school dismotivated and this can be one of the reasons to repetition or truancy. This article reports the analysis from interviews performed with high school students of a public school of Flores da Cunha, RS. The intervies aimed to understand why the students are not motived to learn. Interviews were conducted with 22 students from the high school day, with age between 14 and 17, randomly selected. In our study, the lack of motivation does not appear to factor in the students' disinterest. The motivation is a normal process that occurs with humans at some times of the day. Some behaviors can help the teacher to encourage their pupils. To help the unmotivated student, the teacher should concern itself with the school environment, particularly the classroom, in the development of activities in the organization and especially the teacher / student relationship to encourage the student to engage in the proposed activities, freeing dopamine through these actions. Teachers should take in account all of this for not desmotiving themselves due the attitudes of students. While the student is in the school, it is necessary that he or she enjoys the school and be motivated to participate in the activities designed by each teacher and also by the school.
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