Ecotourism as a Catalyst for Tourism and Sustainable Development in Malanje, Angola



Tourism; Natural Protected Areas; Ecotourism; Sustainable Development; Malanje, Angola.


This article addresses the issue of ecotourism as a catalyst for tourism and sustainable development in Malanje, Angola. The starting point for this question is the fact that the angolan economy is characterised by an overdependence on the oil industry, which means that its natural tourism resources are underutilised and slows down local development through tourism. With this in mind, the study was carried out in Malanje with the objective of identifying, through a diagnosis, the tourism potential of Malanje in order to determine the internal and external variables that condition its tourism development. However, the methodology adopted is mixed, using participant observation, 10 interviews with representatives of public and private institutions involved in tourism, culture and the environment at the local level, and 85 responses to a questionnaire distributed through social networks. A SWOT analysis of the territory was also carried out and finally an action plan was proposed to counteract the identified limiting factors and it was concluded that the implementation and success of this proposal would depend on the collaboration of all the forces at work in society.

Author Biographies

Francisco Domingos, Universitat de Barcelona

Maestro en Innovación en la Gestión Turística, Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, Cataluña, España. Curriculo: E-mail:

Bernardo Fernandes, Universidade Rainha Njinga Mbande de Malanje

Licenciado em Gestão de Hotelaria e Turismo, Universidade Rainha Njinga a Mbande, Malanje, Angola. Currículo: E-mail: 


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How to Cite

Domingos, F., & Fernandes, B. (2024). Ecotourism as a Catalyst for Tourism and Sustainable Development in Malanje, Angola. Revista Rosa Dos Ventos - Turismo E Hospitalidade, 16(3). Retrieved from