Proposal to make Brotas, Brazil, in an Smart Tourist Destinations –

Based on analysis of municipal indicators


  • Antonio Carlos Bonfato Centro Universitário Senac Águas de São Pedro
  • Gabriel Furlan Coletti
  • Silvia Nunes Coelho Hauck
  • Victor Ragazzi Isaac


Tourism; Sustainability; Tourism Planning; Smart Tourist Destiny; Brotas-SP


The aim of the article was to determine what are the points of improvement to be adopted at the Tourist Town of Brotas, in the interior of São Paulo, in order to make it a destination where technology generates an operative tourism intelligence, converging to the locus where the A electronic intelligence can make a decisive contribution so that this community can become a smart tourist destination. As a specific objective, it was also sought to verify what could differentiate a tourist destination, which has its image and its activities linked to tourism in natural areas, from destinations that have a tourist appropriation based on essentially urban attractions. An initial basis for triggering the research was a previous study, where 114 tourist destinations in São Paulo were promoted, in a non-individualized manner. Thus, it was found that this same criterion can be adopted for any other tourist destinations. In the end, it was concluded that the priority indicators for an action plan for the Brotas destination are environmental sustainability and the municipal tourist information system and that the parameters can be scientific in different types of destinations, regardless of their tourist vocation.

Author Biographies

Gabriel Furlan Coletti

Doutorando em Economia pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP-FCLAr). Mestre. Professor no Centro Universitário Senac Águas de São Pedro, Águas de São Pedro, São Paulo, Brasil.

Silvia Nunes Coelho Hauck

Ex-aluna do programa de Graduação em Tecnologia em Hotelaria e do programa de Iniciação Científica do Centro Universitário Senac de Águas de São Pedro, Brasil

Victor Ragazzi Isaac

Doutor. Professor no Centro Universitário Senac de Campos do Jordão, Campos do Jordão, São Paulo, Brasil.



How to Cite

Bonfato, A. C., Coletti, G. F., Hauck, S. N. C. ., & Isaac, V. R. . (2022). Proposal to make Brotas, Brazil, in an Smart Tourist Destinations –: Based on analysis of municipal indicators. Revista Rosa Dos Ventos - Turismo E Hospitalidade, 14(4). Retrieved from